Actor & Filmmaker
Before coming to New York, Chelsea trained primarily for a career in musical theater. But during her first year of living in NYC, a vocal cord injury and knee surgery were surely signs from the universe that path was not for her. Since then, she’s worked on several films and would bribe someone to work on a play. See her RESUME and watch her REEL.
Chelsea began making films during the pandemic- because life wasn't stressful enough. Her first short film, Locked Down, screened at festivals across the country and is currently licensed by FilmFestivalFlix. Since then, she’s worked on nearly a dozen films as a producer or 1st AD. See her resume here.
She’s a co-leader of the non-profit filmmaker collective, FilmShop, member of PANO, and card carrying Jersey girl.
Outside of work, Chelsea can be found running laps around Central Park or dreaming about finally reading all the unread books on her shelves.

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